Verizon Connect Integrated Video - Create Alerts & View Logs

Course 2 of 5 in Verizon Connect Integrated Video Learning Path

This lesson teaches you how to create video alerts and view alert log details for Verizon Connect Integrated Video.

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About this course

This lesson demonstrates:

  • how to create a video alert, which notifies you when a harsh driving event has been recorded and is ready to view,
  • how to access the Policies tab, to view the list of alert policies you have created, and
  • how to view the alert log, which displays the history of triggered alerts.

About this course

This lesson demonstrates:

  • how to create a video alert, which notifies you when a harsh driving event has been recorded and is ready to view,
  • how to access the Policies tab, to view the list of alert policies you have created, and
  • how to view the alert log, which displays the history of triggered alerts.
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